2004-01 |
Learning To Love the Code: HTML as a Tool in the Writing Classroom |
Batschelet, Margaret |
hypertext, code, HTML, multimodal |
6,530 |
2001-09 |
Lessons from the Short History of Writing Instruction |
Abbott, Don Paul |
forum, history, Renaissance, WAC |
6,968 |
2001-09 |
Lessons Learned from Studying the Roman Period |
Murphy, James J. |
forum, classical, history, Latin |
6,498 |
2001-12 |
Like Monkeys in a Tree: Writing, Media, Thinking |
Fox, Roy F. |
multimodal, literacy, assignment |
20,841 |
Making Composition (W)hole: An Examination of New Materialism and Electracy in First-Year Composition |
Shauna Chung |
15,167 |
2001-12 |
Mary Tyler Moore to Tori Amos: Teaching Pre-Service Teachers the Uses of Popular/Media Culture in Secondary Language Arts Curricula |
Lane, Rich |
culture, high-school, multimodal, literacy, assignment |
8,880 |
2001-09 |
Memories of a Writing Teacher: Vague, Fragmented, and Maybe a Little Muddled |
Alsup, Janet |
narrative, process |
7,529 |
2002-08 |
Modern Chivalry and the Case for Electronic Texts |
McIntire-Strasburg, Janice |
literature, epubs, online |
9,078 |
Multiple Literacies and Manifold Publics; A Potential Relationship Between Critical Pedagogy and (Counter)-Publics |
Michael J. Kennedy |
12,405 |
Multipositionality and Social Media: Hurricane Narratives and Journalism as Counter/Publics |
Daysha Pinto |
12,831 |